Thursday, April 24, 2014

Luke 5:33-39 Fast or Celebrate?

Luke 5:33-39 NIV
Sometimes, change is okay. Sometimes, change is required. Not everyone in Jesus' time on earth was happy about the fact that his disciples spent more time eating and drinking than fasting and praying. Now, this is not to say that they were gluttons or drunkards; but, in those few years that they followed Jesus, they were busy learning from him. They were busy teaching as well as healing with him. There are appropriate times for things and while Jesus was with them; there were more important things to do than focus on fasting.

Today, we still fast from time to time. They might be fasts of total abstinence from something for long periods of time or they could be something as simple as leaving Facebook during Lent. As a church, we must be open to where and what God is calling others to.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is always an interesting array of joy and sorrow. In some, I see the sober eyes that come with fasting and/or repentance. I see their sorrow at times and it is difficult not to have tears well up in my own eyes. In others I might see joy in that Jesus has welcomed them to His Table. When our little children come to the table, I mostly see joy and celebration. It is very difficult not to smile "big" with them. They come to the table for a blessing or to receive the living Lord into themselves. They are most always joyous. Years ago, children never went to the Table until they were confirmed. But, change has come and I for one welcome these faces full of joy and thanksgiving. Like those first disciples, they don't fast too often (most never), but they celebrate that the bridegroom is with us.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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