Saturday, April 26, 2014

Luke 6:12-19 - Disciples and/or Apostles

Luke 6:12-19 NIV
I have often encountered the misperception that Jesus had only twelve disciples and with it comes the misperception that only pastors are disciples of Jesus. The reading today dispels that myth. It tells us that the disciples were actually many. They were a large crowd. After a night of prayer; out of the many disciples, Jesus designated twelve to be apostles.

Those who were his disciples were those who followed him. In Luke 9:23 we hear Jesus say to the people: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."  It is not just your pastor who is called to follow. It is not just a small group, but a large crowd, who are called to follow. Out of the crowd, God calls and designates some disciples to serve the whole community (the whole world) for the glory of God, according to God's will.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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