Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mark 16 The Tomb is Empty! He Is Risen!

Mark 16 NIV
The women go to the tomb to find it empty. They are told by a young man, who is sitting in the tomb, not to be alarmed for Jesus is risen and the disciples will see him in Galilee. They were still quite alarmed. Trembling and bewildered they fled from the tomb. Who would not? Think about the week these women, who loved Jesus, just lived through. Would we not also be confused and afraid?

Often the stories we hear about Jesus life kind of just seem like such nice stories; but, can you imagine living it? Can you imagine watching your loved one being tortured and crucified? Can you imagine going to prepare his body for burial and his body is gone? I can just imagine our stress levels. Yet, in the end, as the days pass by, they will be comforted, as we are comforted with the knowledge that He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Death and the grave have no power over him. It is way more than just a nice story to tell our children.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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