Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mark 14:32-52 Pacing and Praying

Mark 14:32-52
Completely oblivious to the inner torment that Jesus was experiencing; rather than pray with or for Him, the disciples fall asleep.

How many times have we paced the floors in the middle of the night or fell on our faces praying throughout the night, asking God to deliver us or someone else while everyone else was fast asleep oblivious to the trouble around them or about to come upon them? We pace, we pray, until peace comes upon us, the resolution is at nigh. We are prepared to face whatever must come.

The resolution for Jesus is to be betrayed with a kiss by a friend, a follower. What comes for Jesus is death and ultimately resurrection. Sometimes, (OK - often) the resolution that comes is not an immediate reprieve, but a journey through even darker times; a place where even our friends will desert us. What comes is a journey through the valley of the shadow of death so that ultimately, not our; but, God's will is done.

In order to get to the place where we can know peace no matter what God's will is for us, we pray. We find solace in His presence.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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