Tuesday, September 9, 2014

John 18:1-14 Father's Will

John 18:1-14 NIV
After he had finished praying, Jesus was arrested. His friend, his follower, his betrayer was at hand. He told the cohort who came to arrest him that he was the one that they were looking for. Yet, they were reluctant to arrest him. He had to remind them that they had come to arrest him before they actually did. Whether they knew it or not, they do not appear to impressed with having to do the Father's will. Somehow, it seemed a bit distasteful to them.

We are often called to do things that we might find distasteful. We do not always understand why God would allow or not allow something to happen. We don't quite get where He's going and leading all of the time. He sometimes calls us to do things which we would rather not do based on our own traditions, personal desires, or sense of right and wrong. But, Jesus had to die for the world (it was His Father's will) and in order to do that, someone had to arrest him. The lot fell to this detachment of soldiers. It was their job. It was their duty; however, distasteful they found it, to take their part in the death of the one who would die for their (our) sins.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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