Saturday, September 13, 2014

John 19:1-16 The State Listens

John 19:1-16 NIV
He tried but he just couldn't do it. The religious leaders kept insisting that the state do something about this Jesus who had broken their religious law. Yet, their accusation against him is that he opposes Caesar by claiming to be king. Pilate is in a bind. If he frees him; he goes against Caesar himself as the religious leaders claim this man claims he is greater than Caesar. Pilate finds no guilt in Jesus; yet, he cannot allow the crowds to make him (Pilate) look bad in the eyes of Caesar, either. That could be major trouble for him with Rome. He wants no trouble with Rome. It is apparent that the religious leaders want this man to disappear from the face of the earth and Pilate must and will do their bidding.

So, as hard as Pilate tries to reason with the crowd; he ends up handing Jesus over to be crucified. There are times when we may feel thoroughly tired of reasoning with people, as well. Not everyone will bow before the King of Kings (at least not, yet). Many will worship false gods, things and/or people of the secular world. There are many who wish this Jesus and his followers would just go away so that they might not be reminded of their sin. They do not wish to be reminded that Jesus died to take away the sins of the world; their sins because they'd rather think that they have not sinned. They will make many loud pleas to the state to take away this reminder from their sight. In some cases the state has surely listened.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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