Tuesday, September 23, 2014

John 21:15-25 Feed My Sheep

John 21:15-25 NIV
If you love me, feed my lambs... feed my sheep... feed my lambs. If you love me, follow me.

Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times. Now, he is called to affirm that he truly does love Jesus the same number of times that he denied him.  What is more, Jesus tells him to feed his flock; show the world that he is his follower by feeding his lambs, feeding his sheep. Go forth, following in his footsteps, doing the things that he has done. Feed his people both physically and spiritually. He is to follow Jesus and take up his cross, even to death.

We too, have denied Jesus in many ways and for most of us many more times than Peter did. What will we do to show the world that we truly love the one who was willing to die for the sins of all people?  How will we testify to this great love? Will we take up our cross? Will we follow, feeding his sheep along the way?

God's Peace - Pr. J

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