Sunday, March 22, 2015

2 Thess 2 - Man of Lawlessness

2 Thessalonians 2 NIV
I cannot count nor ever remember how many men have been publicized as possibly being the lawless one (the anti-Christ) that was prophesied to come. Most often those who were accused of being the anti-Christ have been in positions of power in the world. They have been world political leaders.

I cannot help but wonder if this anti-Christ is actually going to be a leader in the secular world or will that personality be someone from within the visible church on earth. There are many; after all, who are teaching false doctrine and yet are quite popular personalities; leaders (not servants) in the visible church. They have been popular because they please the itching ears. They are popular because they tell people what they want to hear. They have led many astray as they have lifted themselves up in the eyes of the people they teach.

I am convinced that the most dangerous false teachings do not come from those outside the church who deny Christ. These allegations are a distraction and have kept us from looking within ourselves and acknowledging the lawlessness that abides within us. Those most dangerous lies are those lies propagated within the church that are being passed down and expanded upon to succeeding generations. It is quite possible (probable) that the man of lawlessness will be revealed to be one who spread the lies from within the visible church. The man of lawlessness may well come from within the church, itself.

Do not let anyone deceive you; not from outside the church or from within. Jesus is our only salvation. May God help us to remain faithful to His Word.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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