Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Colossians 2:1-8 Pray For All People

Colossians 2:1-8 NIV 
St. Paul was not just concerned for the people immediately around him. He prayed for and encouraged everyone. He was concerned that all people's heart would be encouraged and united in love; that all people might know the mystery of God. He was concerned about the false prophets who had or might sneak into the church; turning people from Christ to human tradition and spiritual forces of this world for their lives and salvation.

Each day, as I read the world-wide news I am reminded of how great our need is to pray for and encourage all people who would follow Jesus; not just those within our own congregations and community. There are many whose very lives are in danger for daring to proclaim the mysteries of the Gospel. We must also pray for and sometimes, as God leads us, even confront, with the truth, those who teach falsely so that they eyes and minds and hearts might be opened to know and proclaim the truth.

May God protect us all from fine-sounding arguments and worship in Spirit and truth.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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