Saturday, October 22, 2011

Glorify His Name

Leviticus 22

You shall not profane my holy name.  Chapter 22 begin and ends with this admonition.  Be very careful to not do anything that will profane the name of the Lord.  Watch how you give your offerings and what offerings you bring.  Be careful.  God's name is holy and the people who have been saved by Him are to make sure that His holiness is represented in their lives, in how they honor and worship him.

I was checking out Facebook pages last night instead of finish painting the living room walls.  It never ceases to amaze me how many Christians take God's name in vain, how God's name is dishonored in the words, in the attitudes, in the lifestyles of so many Christians.  There are times when I probably slip into this category myself.  It does not make it right or good.  I need, we all as Christians, need to be cautious how we represent ourselves, because we are representing the one to whom we have dedicated our lives to.  We really cannot separate our secular lives from our Christian lives.  Christianity is not a social club.  It is a lifestyle and our faith should be reflected in what we say and do outside the church building as well as inside.  We are members of the Church, the Body of Christ and all that we say and think and do should reflect that. 

Everything we say and think and do should be to honor and glorify God's name.  Is it?

May God help us to be more faithful to Him, as He is faithful to us.

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