Wednesday, May 30, 2012

1 Chronicles 1 - Sons (and daughters)

We begin Chronicles and the review of genealogies.  From Adam to Israel, there are lots of sons' names to remember.  As difficult as it may seem, it is important to attempt to remember some of them.  Many of those names reappear, some with different spellings, so having a general remembrance of who is who in the Bible will help save time later on when you're going to stumble across someone's name and will want to take the time to look them up.  I hate when I have to do that.  I end up surfing the Bible...  for hours... sometimes...

This genealogy is extensive, but not complete, as there are sons missing from the list.  Neither Cain nor Abel are listed as the sons of Adam.  The genealogy of the people whom God calls and establishes as His people begins with Adam and his son, Seth.  This list is a list of the direct lineage of the people who are directly involved with God's plan for the world.  These descendents are the vessels by whom God will ultimately bring His promises to the world.  

Hope that's not too confusing.  Lot's more could be said about why this genealogy is important, but that'll be enough to get you thinking, besides.. just look at all those names you have to memorize!  LOL!  Have a blessed day and know that you too are a descendant - an adopted son or daughter of our Father who is in heaven!

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