Monday, May 21, 2012

2 Kings 17

More false gods and into exile this time.  Will we ever learn?  I'm not thinking so.  Always something to put before God... Always something to worship before Him...  The fact that Israel and Judah were so faithless in spite of all that God had done for them, is just a little amazing.  But, in reality, how different are we really.  I'm thinking maybe we are already in exile and don't even know it!  We follow our false gods so closely that we don't even know that we are in exile? 

I heard the other day that you don't have to go to church every time the bell rings to be a Christian... all you have to do is be good and kind and nice to people.  LOL...  Sorry, I cannot help but laugh at that.  Somebody has not been listening!  Someone is slightly deluded!  It's not about being nice.  It's about following Jesus, about worshipping God before all other gods.  It's about Him being the LORD of your life.  No! One is not a Christian because of their good works and are nice.  We are not saved by our good works.  We are saved by God, Himself.  It is a gift.  Good works are a consequence of being saved, of being a member of the Body of Christ.  It is not the other way around. 

Time to quit fooling ourselves and get rid of every false god!  The people of Israel and Judah worshipped other gods, yet they still feard the LORD.  Did it get them anywhere?  Did that work for them?  They ended up in exile - that's how following other gods  worked for His chosen people.

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