Thursday, May 10, 2012

2 Kings 6 - Open Our Eyes

Some real interesting goings on in this chapter:  an axe head that floats; eyes opened to see the army of the LORD surrounding Elisha; and two women who are so hungry that they strike up a bargain to eat their children, for which the king of Israel blames Elisha.

In all of these things, it appears that the LORD provides (or will provide) through Elisha.  He works all things for the good of His people.  It just sometimes takes a little time - the eyes have to be opened.  When things get tough, we often blame others, even God, for our rough times.  But, we should probably recognize that often times may seem worse than they are because our eyes and our hearts and our minds are closed to the reality of what God is really doing in our lives and in the world around us.

We cannot see the army of the LORD surrounding us, as they saw it surrounding Elisha, and so we doubt.  We lack faith that the LORD will deliver us.  We trust in ourselves and end up devouring even our loved ones. 

May God deliver us from our unbelief.  May He open our eyes that we might see, our ears that we might hear, and our hearts that we might received Him more fully, by faith, into our lives.

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