Sunday, May 6, 2012

2 Kings 2 - Bullying

Elijah work on earth is done and he ascends into heaven by a whirlwind.  Elisha has inherited a double portion of Elijah's spirit and has taken up the task of healing water so that it is fit to drink.

Now, I don't know what Elisha looked like.  But, apparently he had no hair.  And... of course, there were bullies around even then.  On his way to Bethel, some small boys jeered at him calling him a baldhead.  And what did Elisha do?  He turned around and cursed them in the name of the LORD and two bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of them apart.

Ok, so the story (at least the ESV) says some small boys.  I'm not sure if I'd say 42 boys is a some.  It sounds more like a gang than a few stray bullies.  I'd say it is a lot of boys to be harrassing one person.  How did he defend himself.  Did he turn the other cheek?  Did he invite them home for dinner?  Did he do nothing and allow the verbal assault to potentially become something more?  What Elisha did was:  call on the name of the LORD and the LORD defended him.  The LORD protected him. 

Baldhead!  So many names used to harrass others - both then and now.  Our school systems are full of it.  It has become a game played by way too many of our young people.

May God help all of our children to see how damaging it is to everyone to be involved in senseless name-calling and to learn to live in peace.

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