Tuesday, May 22, 2012

2 Kings 18 Faithful Hezekiah

Finally, a faithful king and faithful people.  Finally, a king who was unafraid to destroy the high places and the Asherah.  Hezekiah even broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made.  I didn't even know that the bronze serpent was still around.  But, it does not surprise me.  Whenever I've heard the story of Moses making that bronze serpent, I've thought, "Danger! False god!"  Of course they would have kept it around.  They had a real difficult time worshipping a God whom they could not see and preferred a chunk of bronze that they could.  Thanks be to God for the faithfulness of Hezekiah who finally broke it into pieces.

And thanks be to God for faithful Hezekiah, who leads Judah to trust in the LORD; to not fear danger; to not fear the Assyrians. 

May God grant that all who lead His church on earth to trust in Him and to do what is right in his eyes.

P.S.  As I was sitting on the deck after I finished this blog, I thought about the faithfulness of the men at Zion Lutheran in Skanee.  In many congregations that I know there is this lament regarding the lack of young people and the lack of men who worship the LORD.  This is not so at Zion.  We are a small congregation, but I was reminded of how faithful our men are, this last Sunday at our early service, as the last table was filled.  It was almost all men.  They sit near the back of the sanctuary (there are also others dispersed throughout the congregation) together.  The single women sit nearer the front on the opposite side.  It always makes me smile (it gives me joy) to see the Lord's table surrounded by faithful men, interspersed with children who come for a blessing, sometimes there is a wife or two, kneeling side by side as they receive our Savior into their lives, into their very beings.

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