Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Proverbs 14 - Wise Woman

We have a slight change this morning. So far, we've been hearing a lot about what the wise son does. This morning, Proverbs 14 tells us about the wise woman.  "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." (Prov 14:1 NIV) Sadly, the foolish one is not even aware that she's tearing down rather than building up and so it continues. They feel secure even as they are destroying their own lives. 

Just a few of the things that a wise woman will do:
     She thinks about what she will say and do. She watches the words that come from her lips. She will not bear false witness. She will not mock others. She will not laugh at those who have repented of their sins and turn to the LORD. Rather, she will support her neighbors in their every need.

Listen, then, to wisdom and follow in the way that the LORD would have you go, so that you might live life not just wisely, but abundantly in His presence for all eternity.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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