Thursday, August 21, 2014

John 12:12-19 Follow and Sing Hosanna!

John 12:12-19 NIV
Jesus is exalted by the crowd on his way into Jerusalem. They went out to meet him, shouting: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"

No one really understands the significance of all this. But, they are excited. The Pharisees are excited, too. They need to figure out a way to turn this all around. They need to figure out a way to turn the people against Jesus; to abandon him; to quit following him around. And, they will! By the end of the week, the crowd will not be shouting, "Hosanna!" They will be shouting, "Crucify him!"

Crowds can be fickle. They can be led in any direction quite easily as the heat of the moment carries them away. Like sheep led astray; they may follow for awhile; but, when pastures seem a bit greener elsewhere, they leave the shepherd and follow the crowd. Sometimes, they might even choose to stay with the crowd in a dried out and dead field rather than seek green pastures with the shepherd, simply because they are afraid to move. They might think that there is security in numbers so they abandon the only one who can keep them safe. 

May God grant that you should never turn against him; but, follow him always singing praises; singing Hosanna! Do not be afraid, your king has come and he will come again.

God's Peace,

Pr. J

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