Wednesday, August 27, 2014

John 13:31-35 Smile On Your Brother; Love One Another

John 13:31-35 NIV
My shoulders are totally messed up. I have problems with the rotator cuffs. Some days they are fine. Others not so good. I see a masseuse twice a month for them. I've been noticing recently; though, that the days when they are really hurting are days when I have been witnessing a lot of disrespect rather than love. It's as though the weight of the problems that this disrespect causes is resting on my shoulders. Of course, it is not. But, just the same, it feels like it and I do end up dealing with a lot of the consequences, one way or another.

So much nastiness... Neglect, abuse, rudeness, abrasiveness... I ask you, is this the way that we should love one another? Jesus loves us so much that he was willing to die for us. Yet, we love our neighbor so little that we cannot even express little tokens of kindness like saying thank-you or please or excuse me, let alone actually go out of our way to help and support them in their time of need.

Jesus said, "By this everyone will know that your are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (vs 35)

In addition to an occasional massage, I've recently decided I should start singing out loud whenever people start acting really bad. My singing usually makes people smile (yes, it is that bad) and I'm thinking smiling is a really good alternative to what I've been witnessing. As I read the lesson for today, a song sung by the Youngbloods in the 60's came to mind.

Love is but the song we sing,
And fear's the way we die
You can make the mountains ring
Or make the angels cry
Know the dove is on the wing
And you need not know why
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now.

Smile, right now... because, you don't have to listen to me sing it! Be kind and love one another, today and everyday.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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