Sunday, August 31, 2014

John 14:15-31 Peace

John 14:15-31 NIV
My morning prayer requests included praying for the children of northern Iraq. Apparently, ISIS has been busy beheading even the children. And, what kind of turmoil do we live in? Is it even comparable to atrocities like these?

Yet, life does have a way of turning our lives upside down. Everything is not always peaceful. It might be a whole lot more peaceful if humanity would just get it together and serve the one true, living God; following His loving will for humankind, rather than our own personal agendas. But, our egos get in the way and life can become one set of problems or obstacles after another. We do not always live in peaceful environments. Yet, Jesus tells us that he gives us his peace. In the midst of turmoil in the world around us, we can still live in the peace of and with God.

Jesus promised that after he was gone, the Father would send the Holy Spirit in his name to teach us his way. The Holy Spirit will guide us on the way; that we might be reconciled to God through Christ Jesus. In this promise we can find peace of heart and mind.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. No matter what the world throws at you, God is with you.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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