Wednesday, August 6, 2014

John 7:9-24 Judging By Appearances

John 7:9-24 NIV
After letting his brothers think that he will not be going to the Festival of Booths, Jesus goes anyway. Without making his presence public, he was able to hear and observe the people there. There were those who were looking for him. There was a lot of whispering about him, but no one dared speak too openly. In other words, they were telling secrets; they were gossiping about Jesus. Then, in the middle of the Festival he makes his presence known by going into the temple and teaching. More whisperings... More judgments...

Years ago, while on a kayaking journey, I stopped in a small town to buy some food and to find a pay phone to call my husband as there had been no cell service for some time. It was a resort town where I had actually been known and quite welcome in the community just a few years before. Well, this time, I was not wearing my pastor's clothes. I was wearing a tank top and camouflaged pants over my swimsuit with a dingy, red and blue hat covering my long, unbrushed, hair. I admit that I looked pretty bad as I had been on the water for a few days. I was recognized by only one person who greeted me quite well. However, most couldn't see past my wardrobe and did not recognize me. It took three businesses before someone would even point me to the pay phone. I've only been back to that community when I had to go for work. It's just not worth the trip for me to be with people who would judge others by their appearances.

Not long ago, I walked into a smaller, local, department store with my teen-age granddaughter during school hours. She was heading to the make-up aisle and I was going to the grocery aisles. As we entered I noticed two clerks (I found out later one was a supervisor) watching us and whispering. It just sort of felt like they were talking about us. I went to the grocery aisle while my granddaughter went to the make-up aisle. As we split up, the supervisor immediately followed my granddaughter. She later told me that the woman had asked her: "Can I help you?" When she answered. "No, thanks," The manager then asked her, "Are you sure I can't help you?" Again, she replied, "No, I've got it." Again, she was asked, "Are you sure?" My granddaughter got her makeup quickly and came and found me. She was being discriminated against because she was a teen. I now avoid going into that store with or without my granddaughter. There are other business around where their employees don't follow my granddaughter through the store; that don't judge her by her appearance.

The reality is that people will and do judge by appearances. I tend to stay away from businesses that discriminate against someone because of their appearance. There will always be people around us who judge by appearances. We may like to deny that such blatant discrimination exists. But, jumping to false conclusions based on what one looks like is actually pretty common. It takes too much work for most people to actually listen to someone and to get to know them. It is much easier to judge them on their appearance and whisper about them behind their backs.

They whispered about Jesus and eventually, the whisperings (gossip) helped hang him on the cross. The people believed a lie and called out "Crucify Him."

God's Peace - Pr. J

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