Saturday, November 1, 2014

Acts 16:11-15 Down To The River To Pray

Acts 16:11-15 NIV

I have always had a very strong inner desire (maybe need) to be near water. I spent most of my married life, until a few years ago, looking for a little piece of land on the water that we could actually afford. But, I finally found it. It is a very small piece, indeed, on a river at the head of a bay. It took a bit to convince my husband that we should purchase it. He doesn't appear to have the same desire to live near what as I have. He referred to it for a long time as the swamp. We purchased it for a get-away camp and ended up living in it. It is small; but, it is ours. I drive down the tree-lined driveway and thank God for giving it to us. Here, I am able to know peace. It is my place of retreat. Here near the water, I have my place of prayer.

When Paul and his fellow missionaries arrived in Philippi, a city with very few Jews, they knew where to look for the local prayer meeting. They headed down to the water to look for the Jews who would be gathered there to pray.

In Jesus' day thee needed to be ten men in order to establish a synagogue. In lieu of this, the people met for prayer near the water if possible. I tried to find out if there was any reasoning behind this meeting being near water; but, my research was in vain. I do not know why the Jews gathered at the water to pray. I know a few of the reasons that I do. First of all, it is very quiet and peaceful here. But, more importantly it reminds me that in the beginning water covered the whole earth and God pulled back the water so that there was land. Then, taking some of that land that had been under the water (mud), He created humankind. We are people of the mud - taken from what my husband would call a swamp... Living near the water I am also constantly reminded of my baptism into the Body of Christ and that my sins have been washed away through the death of my God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, my Lord. Through the waters of baptism, I have been freed from all bondage. So let's all go down to the river to pray...

For a bit of listening pleasure here's one of my favorite songs:  Down To The River To Pray - Alison Krauss  

God's Peace - Pr. J

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