Sunday, November 2, 2014

Acts 16:16-40 Truth In Prison

Acts 16:16-40 NIV
Paul appears not to dislike prison all that much. If there are times when speaking the truth encourages the possibility of persecution or prison; then Paul definitely encourages it. He does not care that he is going to offend a rich slave owner. He evicts the evil spirit from the slave-girl who is busy making money for the rich man. Paul is not afraid to witness to his jailer. He is not afraid of invading the comfort zones of others when he knows that they are wrong in what they do or say or think. He is not afraid. God is with him. God releases him from his prison; yet, he will not leave until those who had him jailed in the first place admit that they were wrong in the first place.

Paul was imprisoned for speaking the truth. This did not deter him. He was not afraid, even in prison, or after being released to continue to speaking the truth about Jesus.

May God help us all to be so bold in proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom and in encouraging others to believe in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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