Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Acts 20:13-38 The Way Is Not A Walk In The Park

Acts 20:13-38 NIV
Is it not the hope of any parent, whether physical or spiritual, that those whom we have taught will follow in The Way? To bring them up in The Way so that they too might revel in the love of Jesus to the degree that their heart's desire is to share the Good News of the Kingdom with others. The primary work of a disciples or a follower of Jesus is to make more disciples; more followers, of Jesus.

Paul has taught the people of Ephesus. He has discipled them. But, now on his way to Jerusalem to face much persecution he calls the elders of the church in Ephesus to himself. It is pretty much his permanent earthly farewell to them quite like Jesus warned his disciples of his impending death. But, Paul is not concerned for himself. His only goal is to finish the task the Lord Jesus gave to him. He has gathered the elders to encourage them to continue in The Way; shepherding the people; making disciples, when he is gone. He knows that he will in all probability be put to death; yet, his life is nothing to him compared to preaching the Kingdom through Jesus. Nothing has nor will stand in Paul's way of testifying to the good news of God's grace.

Paul faced many hardships. Those who are faithful to testifying to the Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus will face hardships. The Way is really not a walk in the park. It can be most difficult. Not everyone wants to hear the truth. There will be those even among the flock who will make it most difficult for this testimony to be heard. There will be wolves in sheep's clothing to confront. There will be persecutions. But, God is with you. The Spirit of God will guide you in the way even as the Spirit led Paul.

God's Peace - Pr. J

Please remember to read the scripture of the day. Just click on the scripture link at the top of the blog.

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