Sunday, November 9, 2014

Acts 19:23-41 False Gods Big Business

Acts 19:23-41 NIV
Here's the truth of the matter. False gods are big business.  They provide somebody something and that somebody that receives something is not usually the worshipper. I could name a few, but you already know where your loyalties lie. You already know who is getting rich from you loyalty to those things that you have set above the LORD. And, yes, if a false god is going to be exposed for what it really is then somebody is going to get upset. If as a worshipper of a false god you heard the truth that you don't have to purchase a god; but, that God has freely given himself to you wouldn't you set aside a false god? You well may, and in doing so you may be depriving someone of their ill-gotten gain.  You may find yourself in the midst of a riot created by the ones whose evil has been exposed.

That is exactly what happened in Ephesus. A silversmith upset that the missionaries of Jesus were exposing the gods he made with silver as false gods started a riot among the other false god makers and the worshippers of the goddess Artemis.

Maybe a question to ponder this morning might be: What gods are you supporting and which ones are supporting you with the treasures that one true God has given to you? Set aside your false gods and worship the one true God who is really there for you.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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