Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Acts 20:7-12 Preaching Till Midnight

Acts 20:7-12 NIV
When my sons were young teens, they would attend the Lutheran Church that we belonged to on Sunday mornings with me. In the evening the oldest son and sometimes the younger would attend Worship at a Non-denominational Church where some of their friends attended. I think they preferred the music and the fact you didn't have to try to follow a bulletin or any order of Worship. They weren't old enough to drive so I would drop them off and pick them up. (Yes, I did attend with them on a couple of occasions.) The problem was that one could never tell how long the services would last or when to pick them up. More than once, I found myself waiting in the parking lot until close to midnight. They did not have stained glass windows so I could see inside the church through the clear panes. The front pews on those late nights usually had children sleeping on them. On one occasion, at least, the children resting in the pews were my sons.

Many Lutherans have a pretty low tolerance for a service that last longer than hour. I have found that my own tolerance for sitting in the pew for long periods is directly related to how well the preacher can proclaim the Gospel. Does he/she actually know the Law and Gospel? Does he/she actually believe it?

Paul could be a little long-winded. In fact, I am amazed at how long-winded even some of his letters were in light of the fact that there were no typewriters or computers. On one particular Sunday, Paul was preaching in an upper room where a young man was apparently sitting on the third-story window ledge. About midnight, this young man fell asleep and fell out of the window. Don't worry. He lived. They went back upstairs; broke bread and Paul continued to preach until daylight.

Seem a little extreme? When one is hungry for the Word and another is eager to share it so as to make disciples nothing is too extreme. Go and make disciples...

God's Peace - Pr. J

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