Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Acts 17:16-34 Unknown God

Acts 17:16-34 NIV
We encounter many false gods; many idols, every day. Believe it or not they are worshipped all around us. When ever we trust in any thing, even ourselves, before we trust the one made the world and everything in it, we are worshipping a false god.

While Paul was in Athens, he encountered many false gods. There were many altars and images throughout the city which the people bowed before and worshipped. One particular altar had the inscription "To An Unknown God" written on it. He took that opportunity to tell them about the one true God that they knew nothing about. This unknown god that Paul taught about is not made of earthly materials and cannot be contained in any earthly structure. He is bigger than all the false gods put together. He is the one in whom we live and move and have our very being.

There is only one true God. We can either trust Him or we can trust a lesser, false god. I would think it much preferable and beneficial to humankind to trust the one who actually lives.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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