Monday, February 9, 2015

2 Corinthians 10 Boast in the Lord

2 Corinthians 10 NIV
If we're going to boast, let us boast in the Lord. It is He who calls us. It is He who empowers us.

Paul finds himself in a situation where he must defend himself and his ministry in order to minister to the Corinthians. There will always be those who attack the servants of God in order to undermine them; in order to undermine God's Word. It is important that we understand that we are not in a battle with the world; but, with spiritual darkness. We may live in the world and feel attacked in the world. But, we do not fight alone. It is by the power of God that such battles are won. The battle is of a spiritual nature. With the help of God, we fight with spiritual weapons. We fight with the two-edge sword; which is the Word of God. One edge destroys what is evil; while the other edge for cicatrizing the wound; for the healing of the world.

Sometimes, it is necessary, as Paul tells us repeatedly, to confront those within the community that the evil that is being done might be brought to an end through repentance that the one who spreads the ill-will (evil) will be healed and reconciled to the Body of Christ. His words were often like a two-edge sword. He would attempt to destroy false beliefs and false thoughts, steering the people away from wrong actions and lifestyles even while he encouraged the people to continue in the Lord that they and all whom they knew or would know might be saved in Jesus Christ. The words of his lips and pen were meant to destroy those things that destroy lives and heal the people that God had sent him to serve.

Paul also knew that it was not he; but, the power of God in him who would fight this battle. Yes, Paul boasted. He boasted in the Lord and what the Lord was doing through his followers.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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