Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2 Corinthians 11 False Prophets

2 Corinthians 11 NIV
Do not be deceived by false apostles. There are many who preach a different Jesus than the one whom Paul preaches and teaches. There are many who would preach a different gospel today, as well. Beware, of those with slick tongues, but have very little knowledge. The best way that I have found to know whether someone is an apostle of Christ or a deceiver of Satan is to know scripture. Read your Bibles. Hear the Word of God speak to you through the written word. If what someone tells you cannot be supported by scripture then toss that notion away. It is not for you.

One of the biggest lies that I hear today is preached by those who would teach that if we do this or that, God will give us everything we want. We will be prosperous. Paul was willing to endure hardship; others were willing to give of their own abundance, in order to make it possible for neighboring communities to hear the proclamation of Jesus and his kingdom. God does not promise that we will be wealthy in this world if we follow all the rules and regulations that our little minds can contrive. He does; however, promise us peace of heart and mind even while we are in the midst of persecution for proclaiming the truth.

I was reminded by our Sunday School this past Sunday that there is only one reason to want to follow in the footsteps of Jesus into his Kingdom, and that is to be with Jesus. If a preacher is preaching some other reason or goal than Jesus, who is the Kingdom, then run. No, maybe a better alternative to running is to do what St. Paul did. Speak the truth. Proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God for all who would believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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