Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ephesians 2:11-22 Reconciled Family of God

Ephesians 2:11-22 NIV
We who were once not of the household of God are now members of his household; fellow citizens with all of God's people in His Kingdom. He came to bring peace. That is, he came to bring reconciliation between all who would follow him. But, there are those who want no part in our Father's house and in the end; even as the wall between God's children is torn down, sometimes a wall between God's children and those who reject Him is built up and peace in the world is not found. There are and will be many persecuted and attacked for being members of God's family. There are those who would reject our Father's house; those whose desires are only for themselves in this world resulting in great heartache and turmoil within households of this world.

It is a very sad thing when members of a household do not get along. Families break up and go there separate ways.  But, it is not so with the household of God. Jesus came to unite his Father's family; to reconcile all who would believe with God and with one another.

Sadly, the reality is that Jesus told us that he came not to bring peace to the world, but that family members would turn against one another. (Matt 10:34-36; Luke 12:49-53) We see this all too often and sometimes I think that there is not an earthly household that is not touched by this division. I see the evidence of this as families sit on separate sides of the aisle funerals and weddings. Some cannot even attend worship together even if they are on opposite sides of the room.

God did not send his Son so that His own household would be separated by dissensions and divisions. Rather, His household is united by the blood of Christ. Jesus did promise us peace. He promised that the world would not know peace. He promised his followers a peace that transcends any peace that might momentarily be found in this world. His peace is found in being a child of God and knowing that no matter what happens in this world we are still God's children; citizens of His Kingdom.

There is a blood that is thicker than blood. It is the blood of Christ shed for you. This is the blood that reconciles us to the family of God no matter who we are.

God's Peace be with - Pr. J

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