Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Job 37 - Seasons - Nothing We Can Do About Them

Elihu lifts up the majesty and power of God.  And, it is indeed amazing!  He is in control of all the forces of nature. 

The seasons change.  They have changed every year since the beginning. Yet, we hear complaints about every season.  Every season brings challenges.  The spring is too muddy, the summer too hot, the fall is too windy, and winter is just too cold or there is either too much snow or not enough for the snow-mobilers and skiers.

Every region of the world has its specific weather challenges.  We were in South Carolina this summer.  It was too hot. We spent most of the time in the air conditioning watching television. It has been wet and colder here in the Upper Peninsula - not freezing yet, but colder the last few weeks. We've even had a few snowflakes.  And... I have already begun to hear the complaint, "It is too cold up here."  Actually, it's not.  It's about right for this time of year. 

I remember vacationing up here while we were living in various other regions of the earth.  It always amazed me that the conversations always focused on the weather.  Not enough rain!  Too much rain!  Too hot!  Too cold!  Rarely, did I ever hear the weather is just right.  I'm not sure how it happened, but instead of standing in awe of how beautiful the various seasons that God created are, human beings tend to complain them.  There is always something wrong with the weather.  It's like calling an inanimate object stupid when we're angry.  How can the weather be wrong?  It just is.  That's how God created it to be.  God is in charge of it. 

Personally, I kind of like the fact that there is something in this world that we haven't figured out how to manipulate, and that is the weather and the seasons.  I love storms.  I love to sit and watch the lightning and hear the thunder roar.  It reminds me that God is still in charge.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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