Thursday, October 18, 2012

Psalm 5 - In The Morning When I Rise

"In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.  (Ps 5:3 NIV).

The reading this morning reminds me of one of my favorite hymns, "Give me Jesus."  The words are a prayer to God, "In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus.  You can have all this world, just give me Jesus."  I looked on you-tube for a good rendition of the song so I could share it with you, but I have to tell you, I found none that can play or sing it like our own Bertha Hommer.  She is truly a gifted musician and we are blessed to have her.  What better way to wake up in the morning than praying and laying this request before the LORD, "Give me Jesus!"

Each morning, I wake up praying.  Sometimes, no often, those prayers are prayers for help - help to get me and others through another day - to meet the challenges of another day.  When I wake up each morning, I know that the one thing that I need to get through the day is Jesus.  After I rise, I generally read the news online and any prayer requests I've gotten through facebook or my email; read some in the Bible; and write this blog.  Then, it is time to go back into conversation with God, in prayer. 

David's prayer, his lament, today includes:  "Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies— make your way straight before me." (vs 8)  It is very easy when we are caught up in the daily struggles to head off in a direction that is not on the straight path the LORD has provided for us.  Sin, the world, the devil, many things can pull us off this path that the LORD has set before us.  We have to be very cautious on how involved we get, lest we get pulled in to the enemies lies that there is another way.  Sometimes, it may seem easier to just join the "club" rather than to stand on the Word.  It may seem easier, but it is not!  There is only one way to eternal life in the presence of God, in His kingdom. That way is, in and through and with, Jesus the Christ.  He is the way!  Give me Jesus!

Life in this world is full of tough times and struggles and so we lay our requests before God and wait, with faith, expectantly, asking the LORD to spread His protection over us (Give me Jesus), each day, that we may rejoice in Him. (vs 11)

God's Peace - Pr. J

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