Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Isaiah 47 - Mercy

God had delivered his children into bondage in Babylon so that they might repent. However, Babylon showed no mercy to His children that He had delivered to their hands. Rather, Babylon became even more secure in her own power forgetting that it was God who had done this thing. And... Babylon will pay for her ego. There will be consequences for not doing God's will even to those who are not God's chosen ones - consequences for those who have shown known mercy and persecuted His children.

Actually, what first came to my mind this morning as I was reading chapter 47 was the egotistical and self-righteous false proclamations of the prosperity gospel. Do not be deceived. It is a false gospel. When multitudes of God's children are in need (hungry, homeless, dying) for a preacher to be holding himself up as an example of how good works will make you millions or billions is pretty much what that Virgin Daughter Babylon did. They used others to ensure their own riches and security. Just because God sent His children into their hands does not mean that they are allowed persecute them. Rather, they (and we) should show mercy as God has shown us mercy.

Those who preach another gospel - a gospel that promotes their own prosperity, from their own good works (in this world), rather than God's good work in Christ Jesus - will fall as assuredly as Babylon fell. Those who follow in the footsteps of Jesus in His Kingdom know that Jesus did not live so that we might wealthy in worldly goods, but rather we will be rich in things that are eternal - things like: inner joy, love, and peace of heart and mind. We are rich simply because we live in God's presence, in His Kingdom, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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