Monday, July 22, 2013

Jeremiah 15 - The LORD Says No

The LORD's response to Jeremiah's continued prayers and excuses for the people is not so good. He tells Jeremiah, “Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my heart would not go out to this people. Send them away from my presence! Let them go!" (Jer 15:1 NIV)

They are a hard hearted people who continue to backslide. They refuse to change their ways. They refuse to repent. And... repenting, that is turning away from their sins and toward the LORD, is the only thing that can help them. When they have dug themselves a hold so deep they can barely see out they might even go to someone for help. The problem is they usually want a "fix." Whatever has been broken, they want someone else to fix and ease the pain so they can continue in the way they've been following. But, there is no fix, except reconciliation with God. The only help or comfort comes through faith in the reconciling power of the Spirit of Christ. Sadly, many are so permanently oppositionally defiant, that He is the last one they will go to or listen to.

I am with Jeremiah. It is hard to see the people suffer even if it is from their own actions or inactions. It is so difficult that I had a hard time reading the entirety of chapter 15. But, I am not God. It is not up to me. I can pray and know that God will answer according to His will. But, sometimes, my prayers are answered with a no, simply because it is not His will, but mine that I ask for.

Read Jeremiah 15. It does not appear so good for those who turn their back on the LORD. They will go into captivity for deserting the LORD and walking in a way they think is more desirable to  them. As for those who say, I can't believe in a God like that; I am sorry, but, there is only one God. If we pick and choose or remake another to fit our image of who we want God to be, it is only a worthless, false god, like the ones Jeremiah has been warning us about, in the first place.

There is only one God. Worship and serve only Him. That is the only winning deal around.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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