Saturday, July 27, 2013

Jeremiah 20 - Can't Keep His Mouth Shut

There are times when we think I should have just kept my mouth shut.

In the face of much persecution, Jeremiah keeps doing what he is called to do. He continues to warn the people of their impending captivity in Babylon. But, they will not listen. Instead, Jeremiah is beaten and thrown into a dungeon for speaking the word of the LORD. Yet, he will not, he cannot, stop speaking God's message to the people. God's word burns in his heart like a fire. It will not be stilled. He must speak it.

In spite of the personal danger, Jeremiah does not pull back from doing what the LORD calls him to do. He laments even his own birth; yet, he stands firm in faith, committing his cause to the LORD. He assures himself that the LORD will declare those who persecute him as unrighteous. They will incur much damage for persecuting the prophet of the LORD. They will suffer greatly for not listening to God's word.

The servants of the LORD are still persecuted, even today. At least, in this country (U.S.A.) we are not beaten or imprisoned for our faith. Yet, in many subtle and overt way the faithful are shunned or persecuted. Yet, even as Jeremiah kept faith and continued to proclaim His word, we continue to proclaim the truth. We do not keep our mouths shut. We proclaim His wondrous deeds even as we sing praises to God and bless His Holy Name.  

"Sing to the Lord!
    Give praise to the Lord!
He rescues the life of the needy
    from the hands of the wicked." (Jer 20:13)

God's Peace - Pr. J

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