Monday, January 27, 2014

Matthew 13 - The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like...

Jesus tells parables to explain what the Kingdom of God is. But, not everyone understands them. He has to explain them even to his disciples.

I find it so very sad that no matter how many times, I proclaim the Kingdom of God, there are many who still don't get it. They don't totally get it (or they forget it shortly afterward as in the parable of the sower) and thus miss out on living an abundant life in that kingdom, even now. I'm not talking about abundance as is taught by some prosperity gospel preachers. I am talking about the abundant life we enjoy that comes from just living in the presence of God - being with Him. I am talking about the joy that Jesus likens, in his parables, to finding a treasure hidden in a field or the joy of the merchant who finds a pearl of great price. Jesus is that pearl and when we realize what a treasure we have in our relationship with him, we are willing to give everything so that we can keep that treasure. There are no riches in this world that can even begin to compare to the richness of God's love for us, through Jesus the Christ, our Lord and Savior.

May God help us all to live in the richness of His love.
God's Peace - Pr. J

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