Thursday, January 16, 2014

Matthew 2 - Magi, Children, Martyrs. and Moves

From the very beginning, attempts were made to do away with Jesus. Today we have the popular Christmas story of the Magi's visit to Jesus. Unfortunately; King Herod, heard that that they were seeking the king of the Jews, who was due to be born, so that they could worship him. Herod became anxious over the possibility of another "king" and plotted to kill the infant Jesus.

He did not succeed. But, in his attempts every boy child, two years old and under, in the region of Bethlehem was slaughtered. These babies became the first martyrs for Jesus.

Fortunately; an angel was sent to warn Joseph that Jesus' life was in danger. So he took Mary and Jesus into exile in Egypt to protect his family. They moved to Nazareth upon hearing that Herod was dead.

I often listen in amazement when I hear people say that they will not leave the area where they are born in. I know people who have never left the Upper Peninsula of Michigan even for a vacation. They simply will not leave what they know. Yet, Jesus, including the trip he made, still in the womb, to Bethlehem, was moved three times in a course of a few years.

Yes, I love Upper Michigan, too. But, there has been more than once in my life that I have been uprooted and called to move. I recall very vividly arguing with God about yet another move. When we are called to go; when God sends us a message to move... it's just a really good idea to do that. He has His reasons; whether, we like them or even know them. He was with Joseph and Mary and Jesus and was guiding them (i.e. sending his angel messengers) through these early years so that Jesus would be around for the purpose that he was sent for. No matter what it is that God calls us to do; no matter how hard it may seem; He has a good purpose for it. Listen and follow...

Take just a minute to thank the LORD that we have no Herods in power, in this country, today! There are, after all, still places and people in various regions of the world that do not seem to have a problem massacring even the children.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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