Sunday, February 23, 2014

Matthew 27:27-56 The Crucifixion/The Kingdom/The Rapture

Tortured and beaten, mocked and crucified, the King of the Jews is put to death. But, something amazingly awesome (or awful) happens as he breathed his last breath.

"And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!” (Matt 27:50-54 NIV)

The curtain of the temple, the dividing wall between man and God, was torn in two. We no longer need the high priest to enter that sacred space to mediate between God and us. The door has been opened to all who would enter. But, even more; as the earthquake shook the city; as the dead rose; as that curtain was ripped in two; the power of God; the Kingdom of God; came rushing out to be with God's people.  Not so unlike the visual we get when the heavens are ripped open and the Holy Spirit descends at Jesus baptism; the tearing of the temple curtain is a reminder that God truly has come down to earth to be with humankind. He is not stuck far away above the clouds. He is not hidden in a room behind a curtain. He is with you. His Kingdom has come and continues to come for you through the death of Jesus the Christ.

As to the dead being raised; what can I say? I do not fully comprehend this. Some will say that this raising from the dead was merely a spiritual reawakening. When I read verses 52 and 53 it sounds like a whole lot more than a spiritual reawakening; although it may certainly have caused that as well. I think I'd be awakened more fully if I saw the graves open and the dead, now alive, walking around. I have to admit that I do not fully understand these verses. I also have to admit that I do refer to them now and then; especially when I dialogue with somehow who wants to focus on a coming rapture more than the kingdom of God present with us even now. I simply refer them to these two verses and ask them if they are so sure that maybe they didn't miss the rapture and that we're all stuck; all "left behind." After all, according to some rapture proponents, the dead will be raised from the grave either during, before or right after the rapture. As for me, I consider myself already "raptured" as Christ; the power of God; His Kingdom; broke through that wall that separates us and lives with and all around us. His glory is all around us and in us and through us. God is with us, even now! His Kingdom is at hand!

When it comes to things like the dead coming out of their graves; I think it is enough to say "I don't know exactly what this means." There is no other historical evidence (that I've seen) to verify this; but, scripture does say it happened and that is enough for me to say it was so. Just because I can't rationalize it in my mind; doesn't mean it didn't happen.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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