Monday, May 19, 2014

Luke 10:38-42 Martha, Live Life!

Luke 10:38-42 NIV
I am married to a Martha. No, he doesn't busy himself preparing meals for me. But, he does prepare them for the residents at our Adult Foster Care. His Martha traits show when he is so busy taking care of little stuff (some of which does not ever have to be done) that he forgets to sit down and enjoy the people around him. He sometimes gets so busy doing "stuff" that he forgets to enjoy the gifts of the day. It's a learned trait, I believe. He had at least one aunt who was always doing busy work herself and finding busy work for him just so he would make an extra visit or two. His granddaughters have picked up on at least part of his habits. It seem like I am forever telling them to "live life" - "carpe diem" - "seize the day!"

Yes, there is an abundance of things to do and some of it is quite needful. But, there is nothing more needful than living in the presence of God. You can realize His presence by truly living in the presence of those around you and experiencing life with them.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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