Sunday, May 11, 2014

Luke 9:10-17 Feed 5000

Luke 9:10-17 NIV
The apostles had been busy healing the sick and kicking out demons. Yet, when the crowd of 5000 men (plus) were hungry after following Jesus and listening to him, the apostles didn't have a clue. Jesus tells them to feed them. But, how? How are we going to feed them? We have nothing to feed them with!

Power to drive out demons, but not the ability to feed the hungry? That doesn't compute! Jesus takes the little that they have: five loaves of bread and two fish, gives thanks to God, gives it to the disciples to distribute, and they feed everyone, with leftovers, to boot.
The power of God to care for His people should never be underestimated. The apostles were a bit slow in understanding this; but, I think that we might even be slower.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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