Saturday, December 17, 2011

Eye for an Eye

Deuteronomy 19

The rest shall hear and be afraid, and a crime such as this shall never again be committed among you.  Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. (Deut 19:20-21 NRSV) 

"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, do not resist an evil person.  But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also..."  (Matt 5:38-39 - read all of Matt 5 for more clues as to what this might mean)

Does Jesus nullify the law here?  Does he give us a new law?  I'm inclined to think not.  Deuteronomy is talking about a case that has gone to court and false witnesses have come forward in attempts to do harm to an innocent party.   This innocent party may be facing the death penalty simply because of someone's anger at them or jealously of them.  Deuteronomy is addressing the accuser in the kingdom of the world.  And... Jesus appears to be addressing those who would be falsely accused.  He reminds us to try to reconcile with one another so that you don't end up in court.  He reminds us that we are children of a heavenly Father (Matt 5:45).  Jesus addresses our spiritual lives in the kingdom of God or heaven as well as our lives in this world.  Whereas, Moses is addressing the civil realm.

For those of you who may have never known anyone who has been brought to court and had false witnesses testify, I can tell you from witnessing their pain, that this is about as bad as taking their lives from them.  It is an agonizing reality.  Facing the unjustified loss of their intergrity, loss of family and friends, loss of jobs, and facing possible long term imprisonment because of someone's false statements is devastating to people emotionally, spiritually, and in the end physically as it also affects their health.

Both Moses and Jesus are talking about caring for and loving the one who is falsely accused.  For the judge in Deuteronomy, he has authority to punish greatly the one who falsely accuses.  Jesus, on the other hand, recommends to the one being accused, the Christian, to do everything possible to avoid being drug to court:  turn the other cheek, give generously, help your neighbor even if he may want to do you harm.  Do not retaliate, but do everything possible to make peace with him/her.

I hope that this is not too big a mess this morning and you can make some sense of my wanderings.  Blogs are meant to be brief - but - some things need more space and time than a blog provides...  Food for thought...  God's Peace - Judy

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