Monday, December 5, 2011

God is God

Deuteronomy 7

God is God and only He shall you worship.  Have nothing to do with false gods.  Rid the land of them and their altars and all the items that are used for worshipping false gods.  Do not covet the gold or the silver of the false altars so that you do not become ensnared by it.  Do not allow anythng to do with false gods into your home because they are abhorrent to the LORD your God. 

In this season just prior to Christmas, how to impress upon people just how sneaky those false gods are.  We claim that the reason for the season is Jesus.  Yet, the glitz and glitter of the commercialized season attempt (very strongly) to draw us in.  Yesterday morning at and after Worship, I was watching our children from the Sunday School and Confirmation class, closely as usual.  They have been busy practicing various parts and music to put on a skit as they lead Worship at our mid-week service on December 14th.  They have given up many hours to work on this.  Other things have not drawn them away from this opportunity to glorify God - to honor Jesus. 

We talked about Jesus' birthday and they decided on Christmas morning that we should have a birthday party with a cake for Jesus after Worship.  It is always comforting to me to see the faith of the children.  They know who their God is.  Let us take a lesson from our children.  There is only one God who loves us so much that He was willing to send His only begotten Son to be born among us, to live among us, and to die for us that we might live in His presence eternally. 

Worship God, and no others - nothing else - not silver or gold.  For... He alone is the God who loves you.  Gold and silver cannot love - God loves.  Only Jesus can bring you out of the wilderness and save you.

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