Thursday, December 15, 2011

Humble Leaders

Deuteronomy 17

We had a wonderful Worship Service ) last night.  Our youth led the service (not a children's program - but - Worship).  The sermon was a skit or a short play (written by one of our members, Leslie) based on Tolstoy's "Where Love Is, God Is."  The children led the litany, the reading, received the offerings, sang special music...  We had 2 EXCELLENT soloists who are of elementary school age.  One of them sings publically, otherwise.  She is very comfortable singing in public; however, she was nervous about doing a solo in church.  Why?  Because it was her offering to God and she wanted it to be perfect, without blemish.  I explained to her that of all places she would sing the one place she did not have to worry about making mistakes was in church.  This was her family and we love her.  We love all of the children here. We are our neighbor's childrens keepers.  And... after all, if people who make mistakes could not serve the Lord then there would be no one serving Him - no one to lead worship. 

Now, on the other hand, her attitude of humble service is quite refreshing.   Because of an illness, two of our youth ended up doing parts that they had not had time to practice, but no one could tell.  Everyone memorized their lines and worked together to improvise where needed.  I noticed that more youth than the soloist were anxious about making mistakes - concerned that they should do things perfectly. These are the same children who often acolyte or read lessons and get through those things quite well. But, last night was different for them for some reason.  They were a little more nervous than normal.  Maybe it was because last night, they led the whole service. Our children often serve during worship.  I remind them (and the adults) that they are in training to lead the church when we no longer can. 

The last section in our reading today talks about humble leadership. God tells the people that if they set a king (a leader) over themselves that the Lord will choose, that king cannot have a lot of stuff or send the people back to bondage for self-gain.  His heart must be with his call to serve God and the people, not himself.  He cannot exalt himself above other members of the community.  In other words, he shall serve in humility.

Jesus the Christ is just such a king.  He did not put himself before others.  In fact, he was willing to die so that we might serve and live life abundantly as children of God.  Everyone else came before him.  He who is first, made himself last.  Last night was a good reminder of what a servant leader really is.  Thanks be to God for the faithfulness and humility of our children..

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