Monday, November 2, 2015

I Don't Know; But, God Does

We had been planning a special service for All Saint's Day for some time. Then schedules got turned around and we couldn't do it, so I focused on something totally different than had been previously planned. At worship, yesterday, it turned out the schedules weren't as turned around as we had thought. We could have gone with our original plan; but, we didn't. I believe it went the way God intended it to go. He knows what's coming up long before we do.

Within the past week, we have had three deaths of family members from our congregation. I wrote my Sunday sermon early last Monday, focusing on the promise of eternal life in the kingdom of God with all the saints. I did not realize until I actually started preaching that what I planned was exactly what was needed as two of the deaths occurred after I wrote it. I did not realize on Monday how many would need a reminder of comfort and hope in the eternal kingdom for all who believe until I was actually preaching it and seeing the response in their faces. But, God did. He knew long before Monday.

Years ago, while I was being trained to visit shut-ins, my mentor and I were sitting in the parking lot of a bar in a very small town discussing our plan for the day. A woman, who had been using the pay phone outside, came over, introduced herself, and invited us over to visit her mother and her. Until that day, neither of us knew of her. After our scheduled visits we went over to visit them. Her mother and my mentor were busy discussing the history of the area when all of a sudden he's talking about the death of a young person in his family. I was aghast. It seemed to come out of no where. It just seemed so off the wall and we were there to bring encouragement and comfort; not to be comforted ourselves. The woman who invited us in, began to cry. She related that she was visiting her mother because her husband had just died and she was having a very difficult time with the grieving process. This pastor's story opened the way for her to be able to begin talking about it and to be reminded that all who believe; yet, even though they die, shall live with all the saints in the kingdom of God. What seemed like a very odd turn in the conversation, turned out to be exactly what was needed to bring about a bit of peace and hope for the woman. I had no clue where this pastor was going. He didn't, either. But, God knew exactly where He was leading him.

Sometimes, we just have to follow the Spirit's guidance. We don't always know for what purpose we are being called or sent. We don't always know why we feel compelled to say things that would not normally fit the circumstances. But, God does. Listen to him. Follow where He will lead you. Do not be afraid to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God!

God's Peace - Pr. J

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