Monday, June 25, 2012

1 Chronicles 27 - Live Life! Answer that Call!

I woke up this morning wondering if God really intended for people to spend so much of their lives sitting in front of the television.  Television, computers, and all that other technology can be some really great tools for us to use; but, to veg out on the couch and mindlessly observe the same entertainment over and over again, I'm thinking this probably is not the will of God. 

Not sure why I woke up thinking this.  I have a full day planned and none of it includes the television.  But, it was kind of scary thinking about how much of our lives are wasted as we sit back and watch, rather than participate in life. 

In our reading today, David is still busy sorting people out according to calling - job descriptions.  There are the military leaders (and the 288,000 some men they will lead); treasurers, farmers, herders, counselors.  I know that technology has changed the world and our opportunities a whole lot and given us many new opportunities for various vocations.  But, from all the lists of various job opportunities that the Holy Scriptures provide, I've yet to see anything that resembles "sit on the couch and watch television." 

God has a plan and purpose for our lives and I really do think he wants us to:
Live life!  Answer that call! 

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