Wednesday, June 6, 2012

1 Chronicles 8 - A King from Humble Beginnings

Benjamin's genealogy is small in comparison to the others.  But, again, here is another example of the last being first.  From the last son (Benjamin); from this small tribe, comes the first king of Israel, Saul. (8:33)

It is just one more reminder to us that God calls whom He will call.  And... time and time again, He has and does call those whom the world would least expect to be called.   After a whole history of this calling the least and the last, one would expect that the "church" in Jesus' day would have understood why he ate with sinners and tax collectors; why he called fishermen to follow Him.  After a whole history of this calling the last and the last, one would expect that the "church" today would understand that still; the last shall be first and the first last.  The "church" should probably quit being surprised that He would call the least and the last:  even women and sinners and even fishermen!  Oh my!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't every think that you are so little that God cannot use you.  Those who humble themselves are often the first to be used, maybe because their egos don't get in the way of doing God's will. 

God's Peace - Judy 

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