Thursday, September 20, 2012

Job 17 - Christ, Our Security and Saviour

"Who else will put up security for me?" (vs. 3)

In the darkness of the night, when we are lonely and persecuted who indeed will put up security for us?  Who will save us?  There is none other than our Lord, Jesus the Christ, who is our security, our comforter, our saviour. 

When all else fails; when we finally figure out that humankind cannot save us; where do we turn?  We turn to our Lord and Savior.  In Christ alone will we find rest and security.

God's Peace - Pr. J

A very short devotion for this morning - my mind is working on a devotion, sermon, newsletter, stewardship, etc... all at the same time!  Oh, yes, and I need to catch up with the speaker for our retreat coming up next month to do some planning.  The later along in the week we get, the further behind it seems I get. May God bless the work of our hands, the words of our lips, the meditations of our hearts and minds, every step that we take, that all that we say and think and do will be acceptable in His sight and glorify Him, our Rock and our Redeemer.  Amen.

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