Saturday, September 22, 2012

Job 19 - Class System

I woke up this morning from this really strange dream.  I can't remember it all, but it had something to do with kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, lording it over the peasants.  I woke up wondering what right any one thought they had treating each other in this manner.  The dream may have been triggered because we've been reading Job for 19 days now or maybe it had something to do with the homecoming at Baraga School last night.  At homecoming they crown the kings and queens, dukes and duchesses and princesses.  I, as I usually do, watched youth lord it over others. Oh, the games they play with each others lives! I wonder about the pain those who are lorded over suffer.  This morning I am wondering if this ritual that schools all over the country inflict upon the youth supports a "class" system. Does it encourage, dare I say it, even bullying?  I am certainly glad that I am not a young person today.  Way too much drama, way too much strife...  And... they suffer inside as they are pushed aside by their peers.

Job, too, was pushed aside by his peers, his friends.  But, he still had hope.  His hope was seeing his redeemer, knowing is redeemer, being with his redeemer.  I sure wish that our children would know such hope.

May God grant that eyes would be opened so that all could know that our Redeemer lives!

God's Peace - Pr. J

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