Sunday, September 9, 2012

Job 6 - Take My Life, LORD

Job cries out in anguish.  He has lost everythig.  His friends are of no help.  He asks for nothing, but for death.  In all this pain, his one request is that God would take his life.  He does not even consider that he should take his own life - shed his own blood.  Job, it seems, accepts full that his life is in the hands of God.  It does not belong to himself.  It belongs to God.  The LORD gives and He takes away.  (Job 1:21)  Job stays consistant in his faith throughout his misery.  It is up to the LORD whether he will live or die.

At the beside of so many faithful Chrisitans, I I have sat, hearing this same lament, as they lay dying! Oh, but, if the LORD would only take my life!  Why will God not let me die?  Sound like they've given up hope?  No, to the contrary, they are expressing their hope and their faith in eternal life promised to them through Jesus Christ. They place their lives in God's hands.  They would have their lives ended, but they wait on the LORD for His will to be done. 

May God grant that our hope for this world and the next, should be strengthened through the Word, Jesus the Christ.

God's Peace - Pr. J


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