Monday, October 12, 2015

Dead Flies

Listening to all the fall flies buzzing around me while busy sorting out books in the church library yesterday afternoon, I heard someone come in the side door. I thought maybe it was Joe or Bill coming to contemplate what to do with all the flies. There were not too many dead ones laying around after worship; but, by 3 p.m., the carpeting as beginning to turn a bit black with them. No, it was not Joe or Bill. The visitors were tourists who wanted to check out the church and get directions back to the highway. When asked, I explained that all the buzzing that they heard was the sound of flies fighting to survive even as they prepared to breath their last breaths.

There seems to be nothing that we can do to avoid the invasion of flies each fall. Most homes, particularly the older homes, in the township have them. It can be slightly embarrassing to have such a mess when one receives unexpected company. But, it's really not worth getting too excited about. It's an inevitable reality. All one can do is clean up the mess.

Our lives can get pretty messy at times, as well. There are some messes that are just not worth getting too excited about. There is nothing that one can do about them. They are just a part of life's daily routines and wasting energy on trying to fix something that will work itself out with time really does seem like folly. Creating drama or getting too excited about something we can do nothing about sometimes will create even more messes and destroy any joy we have in living. Sometimes all we can or should do is nothing; but, to be still and know that whatever comes our way, God is with us in the messiness of life.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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