Sunday, October 18, 2015

You Snooze; You Lose

It seems that on Sunday mornings my snooze alarm gets hit more often than on any other day. Oh, I still get up before six; but, it is a temptation. Fortunately, I have a snooze alarm so that when I hit the button, I get a second and third chance if it's needed.

God provides us with many chances or opportunities to love, to worship, and to serve Him as well as to love and serve our neighbors. There comes a time; though, in each of our loves that the opportunities will come to an end. We do not know the day or hour when we will breath our last breath. .

When our children and grandchildren were young and didn't want to get up and moving so that they could participate in some activity, my husband would often tell them: "You snooze; you lose."

Wake up, sleeper. God gives us many opportunities to live life in Christ. We are told that He delays His coming so that we all have the opportunity to turn to Him. But, don't delay. The time is now, not tomorrow. Who knows if there will be a tomorrow, here on earth, for any one of us?

May God help us to grab hold of the opportunities to love and serve the Lord with all our hearts, and souls, and minds; even now.

God's Peace - Pr. J

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